Retro clothing, retro music and even retro artwork. It's quite a big thing at the moment and seems to add a touch of warm nostalgia to people's rather stressed lives.
But it's not for everyone, particularly when it comes to houses and interior design. Retro has its own time limits and what's retro today is going to be old fashioned tomorrow. That's not a good idea for something as fundamental as your home, which is too valuable to need to be updated with every swing of the fashion pendulum.
There are still probably hundreds of thousands of houses built in the 70s and 80s which still reflect that period in their interior design. You know what I mean - ranch railing on the staircase, formica kitchen units, or just lots of B R O W N!
But this also means that it offers you a blank canvas for bringing your home right up to date and give it some design integrity, some quality elements which will carry you and your home comfortably and s...